Rylan Graham

Profile Picture

Hi, my name is Rylan Graham, an Undergraduate student at Centro de la Imagen y la TecnologĂ­a Multimedia - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (CITM-UPC) in Barcelona, Spain. I am currently studying Video Game Design & Development. I am a Canadian citizen, who has lived his life abroad, living in Canada, Poland, the USA, and now Spain!


About Me

Video games have been a constant in my life since a young age when I was gifted an old Nintendo 64 from my uncle, and since then it's stuck. I enjoy both playing and developing video games, as the joy I find in gaming is a product of others efforts, and now I have the tools to provide the same. For development I enjoy working on AI & machine learning softwares & applications, currently working for CUPRA as an intern in AI-Enhanced UI/UX.

Outside of the world of video games, I enjoy doing pretty much anything that has a board involved, skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, you get the idea. I also enjoy playing my Stratocaster, spending time with friends, football, or taking a nice nap.

I have an incredibly international upbringing, living across 4 different countries in my lifetime, and credit this to my open, outgoing, and explorative nature.

For more information on me, my work, and CV go check out my personal portfolio page RJ Graham Collection, where I explain all project & professional work in more detail.

Project Overview

I was on the art team for Alien: Nemesis, where my work involved creating the entire User Interface (UI), as well as FBX props, Character Animations, & the Alien: Nemesis website you are currently viewing this on.

Task Work

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Character Animations

Character Animations for NPC's and anarchists present within the game. Featuring, Walk, Talk, Wave, Idle, Run, & Death Animations

Currently Showing

Camp Leader "Run" Animation

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Character Animations

Character Animations for NPC's and anarchists present within the game. Featuring, Walk, Talk, Wave, Idle, Run, & Death Animations

Currently Showing

Medic "Greeting" Animation

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Character Animations

Character Animations for NPC's and anarchists present within the game. Featuring, Walk, Talk, Wave, Idle, Run, & Death Animations

Currently Showing

Sargeant "Idle" Animation

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Character Animations

Character Animations for NPC's and anarchists present within the game. Featuring, Walk, Talk, Wave, Idle, Run, & Death Animations

Currently Showing

Shopkeeper "Talking" Animation

Shoulder Laser Weapon Model

Modeled and textured the shoulder laser model within the game.

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FBX Props & Modular Kits

Modeled & Textured FBX Props & Modular kits

Currently Showing

"Shop Tent" Textured FBX

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FBX Props & Modular Kits

Modeled & Textured FBX Props & Modular kits

Currently Showing

"Boss Level" Modular Kit

UI Pre/Post Game Demos & Spritesheets

Hover Image Demo to View Spritesheet

Logo Screen

Title Screen

Main Menu


Credits Screen

Loading Screen

Introduction Screen

UI In-Game Demos & Spritesheets

Hover Image Demo to View Spritesheet

HUD Display

Pause Screen

Dialogue Popups

Death Screen

Missions Menu

Debug Menu

Inventory Menu

Stat/Upgrades Menu

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Animated UI Elements

UI popups & menu opening animated entrances. Styled in retro-flickering.

Currently Showing

"Pause Menu" UI Animation

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Animated UI Elements

UI popups & menu opening animated entrances. Styled in retro-flickering.

Currently Showing

"Inventory Menu" UI Animation

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Animated UI Elements

UI popups & menu opening animated entrances. Styled in retro-flickering.

Currently Showing

"Stats Menu" UI Animation

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Animated UI Elements

UI popups & menu opening animated entrances. Styled in retro-flickering.

Currently Showing

"Missions Menu" UI Animation

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Animated UI Elements

UI popups & menu opening animated entrances. Styled in retro-flickering.

Currently Showing

"Ability States" UI Animation

Figma UI Prototype

Figma UI Design

Designed all UI elements within the title using FIGMA.

Process Breakdown

  • References for UI
  • Workspace for Design
  • Demo Creation
  • Spritesheet
  • Export to Code

  • In-Game UI Demo

    UI Gameplay

    Alien: Nemesis Website

    Alien: Nemesis Website Lead Developer

    Developed the Alien: Nemesis website you are currently on. Website build from scratch using HTML5 , CSS, and 3Js packages.

    Developed Features

  • Home Page
  • All Alien: Nemesis Team Members Portfolios (23)
  • Production Page
  • Team Pages (Code, Art, Leads, Design)