Pau Vivas

Profile Picture

I'm Pau, a videogame design and development student at CITM-UPC. My academic journey has been shaped by a lifelong passion for videogames, which I am now honing through my studies. I am dedicated, curious, and thrive in collaborative environments.


About Me

Growing up in Barcelona, a city I deeply love, I've always been inspired by the vibrant culture and technological advancements around me. From a young age, I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to creating videogames, a passion that has only grown stronger over the years.

I pride myself on being open, communicative, and responsible, qualities that have been instrumental in my journey so far. My curiosity and independence have led me to live on my own with friends and balance a part-time job while pursuing my studies.

Traveling is another passion of mine, and it continuously fuels my creativity and broadens my perspective. My goal is to create immersive and impactful gaming experiences that resonate with players worldwide.

Project Overview

For this project, my contribution was on a lot of different areas around the design process, as I was the lead for the design department.

Main Tasks

Abilities and Lore Design

I designed the initial set of 8 abilities for the main character, divided into two categories: 4 abilities for the Marine and 4 for the Predator. Each set came with its own weapon: the M4 for the Marine and the shoulder laser for the Predator. Players could switch between these two distinct loadouts during gameplay. Additionally, there were "basic" abilities, including rolling and healing, along with their enhancements. Marine abilities were earned through the in-game store, which I also designed, while Predator abilities were acquired through quests. Over time, this initial set was streamlined to the current setup in the game, which includes 4 abilities, 2 weapons, and the basic abilities. I also contributed to the main character's backstory, adding depth and context to their abilities and actions.

Final Boss Design

I designed the entire final boss battle (Alien queen), focusing on creating a challenging and memorable encounter for players. This involves defining the boss's behavior which is divided into three phases each one with evolving difficulty and a specific set of actions that the player has to learn to defeat her. Also designed the attack patterns or abilities that were a total of seven that evolved through the different phases and overall mechanics, as well as the aesthetics of the battle and sounds.

- Art Team

Environmental Particles

I determined the particle effects to be used in various game environments and for the main character. These particles played a crucial role in enhancing the visual aesthetics and overall immersion of the game, providing a more dynamic and visually appealing experience for players.

Visual Feedback for Enemies

I developed the visual feedback for enemies, ensuring that players received clear and intuitive cues about enemy status and actions. This visual feedback was essential for enhancing gameplay, allowing players to make informed decisions and react appropriately to enemy behavior.

Game Design Document