I’m Oscar Escofet, currently a video game development student at CITM, working as a designer for the Alien:Nemesis project. I have a passion for the design aspect of games, be it art direction, sound design or the game narrative. My current goal is to learn more about the process of game development. I'm interested in these kinds of projects and learning more about design and coding. For these reasons this project has been greatly helpful in improving my knowledge and skills.
I’ve been a member of the design team, working in different aspects of the game like the worldbuilding and narrative structure and plot points of the game, the audio requirements for every level, the design of the game’s levels and its implementation into the game engine, the game’s inventory, quest log and other UI accessories and I’ve also worked in other mechanical aspects of the game like the “coin” system.
Worldbuilding: the lore surrounding the different stages and levels and how it affects the gameplay (for example the health fountains or other gameplay features implemented in the setting). Narrative structure and plot points of the game: the cohesive path of the story in the game.
Revision level 1: Worked on the revision of the structure of the level 1 for some adjustments.
Levels engine: Created the revised level 1 in the games engine and later also made the final boss fight arena
on the game engine, putting the envisioned design for the game into the engine system to be playable.
Lights placement for level 2: worked on the map for lights type and placement for level 2.
UI design for the inventory, equipment and quest log menus,
worked on the design with the goal of them being easy to use and
referencing the design of other games of the genre.
Coin system: the game’s “biomass” as a coin system for vendors, the ways and rate you acquire it and its different uses.