Lluis González

Profile Picture

Hi, I’m Luis González, a 20 year old student in Video Game Design and Development in CITM-UPC. I was born in Barcelona, but I live in a far away town :)


About Me

I’m Luis González, right now I’m a Video Game developer student at CITM-UPC. My goals are to be part of the development of an Indie game, an AAA game and, at some point, develop my own Video Game on my own. I also would like to develop my own 2D Engine on my own to test my abilities and, maybe, use it for the Video Game I want to develop on my own.

Some of my most relevant achievements are being part of this Video Game development Alien: Nemesis, the development of my own 3D Engine Mantel Engine and being part of the development of a 2D Tactical RPG Video Game Breaking Cats.

Project Overview

For this project I had the role of Developer in the Code Team. My job was to help in the process of the development of the game and the engine, for more detail seek Main Tasks.

Main Tasks

Development of Canvas

Update of Canvas: Canvas prints in the Screen all the UiElements that it has There are the following UiElements types:






Flickering FX

All ImGui Panel Inspector in order to edit variables, Add Canvas, Remove it, etc.


Some difficulties appeared on selecting the section of the images, that changed the scale of the image. Other challenges include the SliderUI having an excessive number of editable options, which affects readability. Modifying the ImGui Panel Inspector for the Slider to enhance readability is advisable.

Development of Canvas

We had all the art, sprites and designs for the menus, so it was time to implement them in the game. I created a new scene called HUD_Scene to advance all UI progress there.

I created the canvases and UIElements for all the menus and, then, I scripted them to be able for the player to navigate through the different options. All ImGui Panel Inspector in order to edit variables, Add Canvas, Remove it, etc.
Also scripted the hud to match abilities cooldowns with player, their current Loadout, etc.

Hierarchy Utilities

Delete Function

Duplicate Function

Create Empty Parent Function

Collision System

Add colliders so player won't trespass walls

Add collider type such as rect and circle

Add collision type such as Player, Enemy and Wall

Variables to ImGui Panel Inspector

Prepare Audio Engine

I fixed and removed the hardcoded code in Audio Engine to make aviable its use from different parts of the Engine

Implementation of Audio Manager in Engine

I helped on the implementation of the Audio Manager that manages the Audio Engine functions

Scrum Master

I've been Scrum Master twice involving:




Temporary Code Lead

First time I was Scrum Master, half of the code team including the Code Lead left and I took the role of Temporary Code Lead to release the Vertical Slice Build 1.5v

Hit & Death Particles

Particle implementations including:

Particles of Hit for each enemy

Particles of Death for each enemy

Heal & Adrenaline Particles

Particle implementations including:

Particles of Heal for player

Particles of Adrenaline Rush for player

Work Demos

In-Game Canvas

Upgraded Intro Scene

Additional UI Elements

1 / 5
Image UI
2 / 5
Button Image UI
3 / 5
Slider UI
4 / 5
Checker UI
5 / 5
Text UI


1 / 10
Facehugger Death
2 / 10
Facehugger Hit
3 / 10
Human Death
4 / 10
Human Hit
5 / 10
Main Character Adrenaline
6 / 10
Main Character Death
7 / 10
Main Character Heal
8 / 10
Main Character Hit
9 / 10
Xenomorph Hit
10 / 10
Xenomorph Death