Arnau Jiménez

Profile Picture

Hi, my name is Arnau Jiménez, an Undergraduate student of Videogame Design and Development at Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimedia in Barcelona, Spain. I'm passionate about everything that surrounds video games, computers and new technologies.


About Me

My journey with video games and technology began at the tender age of four when I received my first computer and a Game Boy Color, things that made me develop my interest for them along the years.

I have studied a Superior Grade on 3D Animations, Games and Interactive Environments, Professional Profile on Virtual Worlds, Augmented Reality and Gamification (2019 - 2021) at Sant Marc de Sarrià School.

I am particularly fascinated by game development and coding, constantly seeking to improve my skills and knowledge. During my studies, I have participated in numerous projects: Alien: Nemesis, MAREM, The Hound of Hades, LeFish, TheOneEngine, and TheToyBox

Project Overview

In this project I was responsible for the development of the Light Pass shaders and module to allow work with lighting in the game, creating Dynamic Shadow Mapping shader implementation. I was also involved in the development and implementation of Mono and the Scripting Engine (objects and components structure), also worked on Prefabs structure, Scene Manager and general gameplay scripting concepts.

Main Tasks

Light Pass

Implementation of Deferred Shading pipeline, allowing to put thousands of lights without too much performance impact.

Shadow Mapping

Implementation of dynamic shadows pipeline working for Spotlights.

Scripting Engine

Worked on the design of the Scripts structure, linking and calls of TheOneEngine.


Designed and implemented the module that manages all the scenes in the Engine, Editor and Gameplay.

Bugfixing and Problem Solving

Helped team members on fixing important issues found during the Engine and Game development.

Voice Acting

Created the voice lines for the character Isaac.


Designed and started the implementation of the prefabs structure allowing to create predefined GameObjects.

Code Snippets

Component Retriever

Engine functionality to enable for components to be retrieved within the scene.

GameObject - Component Linking

IObject class allowing for linking between GameObjects and respective components

Animated Mesh Geometry Pass

Rendering stage where animated 3D models, including their vertex deformations and skeletal animations, are processed and drawn to the screen

Light Pass & Shadow Mapping

Light Pass applys lighting calculations to the scene, enhancing realism. "Shadow Mapping" creates dynamic shadows, generated from the light's perspective.