Ari Sevcik

Profile Picture

Hello, I’m Ari Sevcik and for this project I took on the role of producer apart from being part of the design team. I was born and lived in Venezuela until I was 18 when I came here to Barcelona and started studying Video Game Design and Development at CITM-UPC. I love video games, storytelling and character creation.


About Me

I’ve always had a passion for storytelling, in particular about how a story can immerse a person, that’s how I first ended up falling in love with video games, the stories that you could find or make up yourself while playing and the immersion of participating in them instead of just reading or seeing.

Besides that I usually try to keep stuff organized. During my time at CITM each semester I’ve prepared a list to make sure everyone has groups for all class projects and my own calendar for deliveries, which I remind everyone of in class when they’re close.

Having been chosen as the producer has been a great honor and an incredible but challenging experience. Organizing such a big group of people and trying to deal with their issues has taught me a lot and has really pushed me to better my skills to get this project finished.

Project Overview

For this project, I had the role of producer. I was in charge of managing the team as a whole, creating tasks to achieve our sprint goals, organizing scrum teams and reviewing the work done.

I also helped in the design team taking charge of the narrative, NPCs, dialogues and organizing the voice acting.

Main Tasks

Scrum Team Organization & Task Management

For each sprint of the development process, I, along with the leads, created a list of all the tasks that needed to be done to achieve that sprint’s goals. After that, the tasks were organized in Scrum Teams and set up in the HacknPlan. After the tasks were assigned, I chose the Scrum Masters randomly, making sure that everyone had the position at least once and avoiding repetition.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

During the development of the game we ran into a few problems, from not doing the job assigned to them to disappearing completely, along with internal fights. I did my best at figuring out problems and possible solutions, trying to get everyone to communicate and figuring out the best course of action

Characters and Dialogues

I designed all of the NPCs for the game, from describing their physical appearance to their personality and talked with the artists working on the concept arts to bring them to life. After that I also worked on the dialogues and overall narrative of the game, writing interactions between characters, mission assignments and the general narrative progression.

Voice Over

I gathered all the people who were willing to voice a character and distributed the characters by both which character they wanted to voice and the amount of time they could dedicate to voicing them. I also checked on the audios to make sure the intention was ok. I voiced our main character, Stub

SocialMedia Management

For these last few sprints I’ve been managing the Instagram account for the team, creating posts about both the team and the game.