Alex Delgado

Profile Picture

Hi! I’m Alex Delgado, 21 years old and passionate about following the correct order and creating systems. Undergraduate in Video Game Design and Development (CITM-UPC).

My main role in this project was graphics and engine core systems developer. I love to focus on performance but always centered on easy, replicable and scalable code first. Working on this project made me realize how much I enjoyed learning and working with the people I like and look up to.


About Me

I’ve always been passionate about video games, since I was a 6y/o child my dream job has always been to create video games that really entertained me. Although I didn't start making videogames until I started the degree, I was always passionate about this world and its complexity. So I feel very grateful and excited to have been able to participate in such a project.

Project Overview

At first, our base engine(TheOneEngine) was lacking several base systems and a proper graphic pipeline so I was in charge of researching and implementing it.

Main Tasks

Shader & Material Pipeline

Full shader and material implementation on OpenGL along with getting rid of immediate mode

Resource Manager

Managing of different types of resources such as Models, SkeletalModels, Images, Fonts, Shaders and Materials.

Loading & Importing

All loading & importing of all types of resources into our own format, rework of the Library folder

Batch Renderer 2D

Full implementation of a Renderer2D using the Batch technique to increase performance. Ability to render basic primitives such as lines, colored quads, textures and text.

Instance Renderer 3D

Rework of how meshes were rendered in order to establish a proper pipeline and increase performance.

Module Animations

Full implementation of module animations along with Hector Báscones using Ozz Animation Library


Scripting Colliders, Lights & Particles

1 / 5
Light Script 1
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Light Script 2
3 / 5
Acid Bloom
4 / 5
Pipe Smoke
5 / 5

Creation & Design of lights & particles in lvl 1

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Level 1 Room 1
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Level 1 Room 2
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Level 1 Room 3
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Level 1 Room 4
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Level 1 Room 5

Visual Feedback FX in Player & Weapons

Weapon Explosion, Light Fx in shot, Laser, Bullet Shell Drop, Grenade Explosion, etc…

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M4 Shooting
2 / 5
Grenade Explosion
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Shoulder Laser

Code Snippet

Instance Renderer 3D

Rework of how meshes were rendered in order to establish a proper pipeline and increase performance.