Am i Adrián Ponce? Am i Adrián Ponce? Am i Adrián Ponce? Am i Adrián Ponce? All I know is that at the moment I am a third-year student in the Video Game Design and Development program at CITM-UPC in Barcelona, Spain. I was born here in Barcelona and raised with Ecuadorian heritage. Everything else is subject to change, name, physique, mentality, etc.
I have no background, the world was created 15 minutes ago, and everything else is a
fake memory implanted into our brains. In those memories I can recall that I have been the
lead designer for Alien:Nemesis, lead designer for Breaking Cats and
lead designer for JailedVR.
I have some experience playing the Drums and the Violin, but in my free time I mostly read,
watch movies, play videogames and try to question everything in life no matter how stupid it
may seem. Overall I like to make intriguing experiences and have tried to do them in all my projects.
For this project, my contribution was on a lot of different areas around the design process, as I was the lead for the design department.