Adrià Pons

Profile Picture

Hi! I'm Adrià Pons, a 20-year-old undergraduate student of the Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development at the Centre de la Imatge i la Tencologia Multimèdia - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the amazing city of Barcelona (Spain). Feel free to connect with me and check some of my work down below!


About Me

Since I got my first console, I've been a passionate gamer and enjoyed playing video games every single minute, but I've always done it as an spectator. Things changed when I finished my Technological Baccalaureate, when I decided to begin my journey in Game Development and try to live it in first person and be part of this exciting industry.

During my time in the degree, I've been trying to master skills in fields like 3D General Art, Level Design, and Team Management using Agile methodologies, prooving them with projects such as this 3D Stylized Environment, The Toy Box, or this one, Alien: Nemesis, among others.

Project Overview

As a Lead Artist who took over the leadership in the middle of the development process of the game, my job was to lead and manage the entire art department, as well as ensuring there was a good communication and feedback not only within our team but also with Design and Code. Assuming the role during the middle of the development process has been challenging, but looking back on it, I think we can all be proud of the job we have done.

Main Tasks

Levels & Modular Kits

Modelled & textured the 3D models of game's levels, including the Ship's Modular Kit, and the terrains for the rest.


Animated the basic locomotion of the Main Character.


Modelled & Textured some of the props that populate the ship, camp, and the alien planet.


Created the first approach of the particles for the Main Character.

Level 1 Decals

Created floor decals for Level 1, with player indications, controllers, etc.

Alien: Nemesis Website Co-Lead Developer

Helped with the development of the Alien: Nemesis website you are currently on, by doing these features:

  • 'Engine' Page
  • 'Post-Mortem' Page
  • Tools & Tech Stack sections within 'Production' Page
  • Game Features within 'Home' Page
  • Header & Footer navigation and linking between pages
  • Organization & Communication as the Art Lead

  • Establish a good communication between Art, Design, and Code departments.
  • Tasks review and tracking on each department member to meet the desire results.
  • Hold 3 to 4 weekly meetings to share the updated status of the project tasks.

  • Work Demos

    Levels & Terrains

    1 / 7
    Ship Modular Kit
    2 / 7
    Camp Level Terrain
    3 / 7
    Camp Level Door
    4 / 7
    Camp Level Wall
    5 / 7
    Camp Level Pillar
    6 / 7
    Level 2 Terrains
    7 / 7
    Ruins Level Terrain


    1 / 5
    2 / 5
    3 / 5
    4 / 5
    5 / 5


    1 / 2
    Level 1 Decals
    2 / 2
    Level 1 Decals


    1 / 4
    Running Dust
    2 / 4
    3 / 4
    4 / 4
    SpearThrow (inactive)


    1 / 8
    Alien Egg
    2 / 8
    Big Server Computer
    3 / 8
    4 / 8
    Chair Box
    5 / 8
    First Aid Kit
    6 / 8
    7 / 8
    8 / 8
    Computer Desk

    Art Team Leading

    1 / 4
    Assets Tracking
    2 / 4
    Weekly Meetings
    3 / 4
    Naming Conventions
    4 / 4
    Assets Organization

    Website Development